“The Feather from Dollyland” is an animated film for the whole family. In a modern legendary tale of the eternal bond between children and their dolls, the story, told from the dolls point of view, is a fun and thrilling adventure.
Animation Adventure > 90 Min. > 3D and Flash Animation
Writer: Avi Bohbot
Producer: Avi Bohbot
Characters Design: Pil Animation
Language: English
Source: Chaos Films
Production Status: In Development, First draft of script
Dollyland is an enchanted and magical kingdom where all the dolls live without man. In the distant past, man and doll lived happily together. But the dolls were tired of outliving every child they belonged to, for dolls never die. One day, all the dolls that were abandoned by the aging children fled and created Dollyland. The land of the Dolls was such a success, that eventually all of the dolls had ventured to live there. A new world was created. A world where man lived without doll and doll lived without man.
And for a long time, all was fine…until now. The dolls of Dollyland started feeling a deep, unexplainable loneliness. The king of Dollyland, the eldest doll in the kingdom, became ill. And like the rest of the dolls, his health was deteriorating. But his was in a much quicker pace. Pappydi, King and founder of Dollyland…was dying.
Princess Dolly, granddaughter of the king, decides to gather her friends, and, against her mother’s wishes, head out on a journey to find the legendary Mansland. Dolly must make haste, for time is running out for her grandfather…and all the dolls of Dollyland alike.